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  • How behavioral research can transform your change measurement

How behavioral research can transform your change measurement

  • 10/03/2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Fxor48wJQv-fcRSWH2Rh8A
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How Behavioral Research Can Transform Your Change Measurement

Underpinning modern change methodology are a series of connected behavioral models. These have a lot to teach us about what readiness data is more meaningful and how we can use it. In a series of practical examples, this session will examine how you can apply the measurement in these milestone research papers to your own projects.

About the Speaker:

Eileen Lehmann

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Eileen Lehmann, CCMPTM ABC has been managing change in one form of her career or another for more than 30 years. Her experience spans the breadth of the professional world, from non-profit to Fortune 25, from hospitality to manufacturing, from a few dozen employees to over 40,000. Today she manages the Global IT Change Management Office for Duracell. Eileen is a Certified Change Management Professional practitioner and is accredited by the International Association of Business Communicators. She earned her Specialized Master in Business - Analytics from The Ohio State University with a capstone thesis on measuring change management. At home she is mom to two grown boys, two grown step-children, wife to her husband David, and full-time big dog wrangler. 

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